Stephen O'Connell Delivers A Masterclass in Scoring to Film


Stephen Delivered a Scoring to Film Masterclass for Commencing, Continuing and Alumni SAE Institute Students, Scoring a Short Title Sequence to Andrew Huang's Spacetime

As part of the trimester break’s activities, SAE Institute has offered a range of creative masterclasses tailored to the content students have been asking for. With the Bachelor of Songwriting and Music Production now on offer at SAE, it was the perfect time to dive into the world of scoring to film, with Stephen sharing his technical knowledge and creative decision making on his score for Andrew Huang’s Spacetime. Scoring the clip specifically for the event, to allow students to see the creative process on a clip they could score themselves, Steve walked them through the early steps of breaking up the scene into key focuses, developing the early sketch and motifs, fleshing out the track through orchestration and instrumentation, and finally polishing the track with music production techniques, like transitions, effects and mixing.

If you would like to score your own version to this video clip, you are able to head to The Cue Tube to create a free account and gain access to this and many more unscored videos to increase your portfolio. A wonderful tool that allows all composers to test their film scoring skills, it is also a network of many composers and film makers, creating connections across the world with professionals in your field. You can also check out Andrew Huang’s Spacetime 4 Composers 1 Show video, to help you see some other creative perspectives on the same clip.


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